Skyline in Chile

Chile Interest Rate

Chile Interest Rate

Policy Interest Rate in Chile

Chile's central bank gradually lowered interest rates during the 2010s in response to moderate economic growth and inflation. During the 2019 social unrest and the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, rates were significantly lowered to stimulate the economy. As inflation began rising sharply in 2021, the central bank initiated a series of rate hikes, aiming to curb inflation while cautiously supporting economic recovery amid global and domestic uncertainties.

The Monetary Policy Rate ended 2022 at 11.25%, significantly above the 4.00% end-2021 value and more than double the reading of 4.50% a decade earlier. For perspective, the average policy rate in Latin America was 18.90% at the end of 2022. For more interest rate information, visit our dedicated page.

Chile Interest Rate Chart

Note: This chart displays Policy Interest Rate (%) for Chile from 2014 to 2023.
Source: Macrobond.

Chile Interest Rate Data

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Monetary Policy Rate (%, eop) 1.75 0.50 4.00 11.25 8.25
10-Year Bond Yield (%, eop) 3.14 2.65 5.65 5.32 5.30

Central Bank of Chile decreases rates in June

At its meeting on 18 June, the Central Bank of Chile agreed to reduce the monetary policy interest rate by 25 basis points to 5.75%. This followed a 50 basis-point cut at the prior meeting and took total cuts to 550 basis points since the middle of last year.

The key domestic factors driving the Central Bank's decision were moderate headline and core inflation, and inflation expectations for two years ahead which remained well-anchored at the Bank’s 3.0% target range.

The Central Bank indicated that the majority of the rate cuts anticipated for this year are now behind us. However, it also mentioned that it expected to continue decreasing rates ahead, without being specific on the time frame. Most of our panelists see between 25 and 125 extra basis points of cuts by end-2024, though a few see rates unchanged.

On risks to the outlook, Goldman Sachs analysts said: “Risks to our path for the monetary policy rate are skewed to the upside. This is especially true if higher electricity tariffs have a significant impact  on inflation in 2025 as the MPC suggests in the post-meeting statement. Overall, the economy has resolved its large macroeconomic imbalances, the output gap has narrowed, and inflation expectations are well anchored, which still argues in favor of lower policy rates going forward, in our view. A slower convergence of inflation to the central bank’s 3% target than previously thought, however, could slow down the pace of monetary policy normalization in the near term.” On their policy rate forecasts, Itaú Unibanco analysts said. “We expect the BCCh to cut rates to 5.25% in two 25-bps adjustments, followed by a prolonged pause. We cannot rule out pauses in-between adjustments.”

Consensus Forecasts and Projections for the next ten years

How should you choose a forecaster if some are too optimistic while others are too pessimistic? FocusEconomics collects Chilean interest rate projections for the next ten years from a panel of 31 analysts at the leading national, regional and global forecast institutions. These projections are then validated by our in-house team of economists and data analysts and averaged to provide one Consensus Forecast you can rely on for each indicator. By averaging all forecasts, upside and downside forecasting errors tend to cancel each other out, leading to the most reliable interest rate forecast available for Chilean interest rate.

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